Our Mission Is To Empower Women At Work. In Life.
Please contact us to discover how Career Excel can help your business. Schedule your free consultation now.
Collaborative Companies Drive Growth
- Inclusivity fuels innovation—a must-have in today’s ever-changing market.
- Diverse organizations consistently beat homogenous ones when it comes to revenue, profitability
and decision-making. - Millennials and younger generations demand collaborative workplace cultures; it’s a critical benefit to attract and retain talent.
Even companies with the best intentions to support and empower their female employees don’t have the time, resources and budgets to do it effectively. Until now.
Career Excel Will Make a Difference for Your Team
Career Excel is a proprietary leadership training and coaching program that helps women:
Create an achievable roadmap for career advancement
Find balance in their personal and professional lives.
Backed by principles of psychology and neuroscience, Career Excel was specifically designed for women by two successful career women who combined 35 years of coaching, training and professional experience with the latest research to build a program of unparalleled depth. The WHY behind the program is also driven by statistics like these.
Our proprietary program is based on original research that reveals the leading internal barriers
Our Unique, Cost-Effective Approach
Program Format
Career Excel is an 18-week program delivered online. Each week participants will participate in one “Insights-to-Action” Masterclass and associated training activities to apply what they’ve learned. Live, interactive Q&A/Coaching sessions delivered virtually connect workplace competencies to solving real business challenges. At the end of the 18-week session, Career Excel graduates continue to connect with professional women around the world for support, encouragement
Career Excel provides your team with more flexibility and convenience than a physical class session since it’s delivered online.
Employees do not have to take time off from work or endure long commutes.
They can access the course from anywhere and complete it at their own pace.
Career Excel Helps Your Team:
Understand how to clarify and realize their career goals, climb the corporate ladder and break through the glass ceiling with confidence.
Embrace career challenges, discover how to overcome them and use those experiences to outperform in the future.
Get “unstuck” by identifying “progress blockers” like confusion and self-doubt that impede growth and contribute to stress.
Gain clarity and hone their focus to define a clear path towards achieving future goals.
Design their ”Blue Sky:” Create a plan to achieve their personal and professional dreams.
Build Their Personal Board of Directors: Recognize who they need on their personal ‘Advisory Board’ to help accelerate their growth–from mentors to sponsors to allies.
Own their success: Realize they can control their career; when they encounter a problem, they have the power to solve it.
Become more self-aware: Empower them to question themselves, challenge limiting beliefs and focus on what really matters.
Improve their communication: Learn how to sell themselves to enhance their credibility and secure new business or internal promotions.
Career Excel Benefits Women Around the World
The “World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2017” indicates East and South Asia are the only two world regions experiencing a reduction in the percentage of working women over the past decade. That’s why by helping the women in your organization, you are also helping women who are desperate for a program like this but cannot afford it. Your sponsorship dollars fund Career Excel scholarships for women in developing nations through the International Women’s Empowerment Events (IWEE)—free trainings and conferences building career skills to close the gender inequality gap.